Friday, August 28, 2009

By the way

I dont know what keeps you from me. Because regardless of everything else..You are my best firend.

1 comment:

  1. This is my last, I will never let myselfe come here again. I feel broken. No I am broken. My body and my heart wants to come to you. My family forbids it!! I'm weepy and weak, I'm lost, I'm confused. Why did I promise god I would die for you?! Why do want me? I give you my everything while waiting for the day that you call me and tell me u just want to be friends. That that's what youve wanted all along. Justin, I cant be your friend.. I cant bear to look at u and be around u and know that you dont want me to touch you. I know I wont make it through the heartbreak and abandonment you adore putting me through. I felt myselfe die its undiscribable. I have become a joke to my family, my heartbreak and tears are a burdon to them they tell me daily. All ive ever wanted was our own, our own love, our own life, a life you couldnt bear to imagine. It would make you sick every time i brought it up. I have fought for your love and attention for so long that I have nothing left. I have no wants or desires I cant imagine anymore. Please understand that even after all this I forgive you for every lie, every hurtful word, every time u wouldnt touch me.. I will never be able to look at you and you know to make love to me again. Please let me heal, Everyday I feel like Im falling and no one around me cares enough to catch me. My answer is I need time. I cant be were im at with you. The hardest thing ive ever done was say no to you when you are my only true happyness. You are my curse. You always said whats meant to be is meant to be, so ill let this be.. M.
